Action Items

Crime: Insure Businesses and Neighborhoods are Protected
  • Evaluate and address concerning policies established by the Police Commission.

  • Collaborate with Supervisors to promptly rectify any problematic policies.

  • Analyze crime data and propose necessary corrective measures.

  • Direct our attention towards distinguishing between effective and ineffective policies.

  • Foster collaboration between the SFPD and Sheriff's Department to enhance citywide safety.


SF Broken Car Window
SF Broken Car Window
Promote: Safe Business Districts
  • Develop and execute impactful media campaigns with a positive focus.

  • Promote various activities and events happening in the city.

  • Highlight each of the city's vibrant business districts.

  • Provide reassurance to residents, customers, guests, and visitors regarding the city's safety.

  • Foster collaborative efforts for safer transportation.

  • Demonstrate San Francisco's commitment to ensuring safety for all.


Financial Security: Work with City and State to Fund
  • Collaborate with the State to establish economic development initiatives at the county level.

  • Advocate for the reduction or waiving of permit fees to support businesses.

  • Enhance neighborhood safety by operating during late hours, locating near key transportation hubs, or implementing independent security measures.

  • Foster safer streets and communities through strategic partnerships and collaboration.

  • Advocate for regular and transparent audits of public funds by city departments, ensuring the implementation of best practices for competitive bidding processes, especially for large contracts in terms of time or cost.

  • Prioritize local San Francisco businesses in the bidding process to maximize the retention of public funds within the city and support the local economy.


Health and Safety: Stop Unlicensed Vendors
  • Enforce measures to halt and cite unlicensed vendors.

  • Address the issue of unlicensed vendors not paying sales tax.

  • Crack down on street vendors selling alcohol, prioritizing the safety of minors.

  • Prevent revenue loss (sales tax) caused by these vendors.

  • Stop violations of the health code.

  • Implement stricter penalties for non-resident vendors.


Reforming Permitting & Zoning
  • Advocate for streamlined and sensible permitting processes.

  • Promote a respectful approach towards business applicants.

  • Implement a 5-year moratorium on permitting fees for parklets.

  • Reform or limit SFMTA fees related to white zones and parking meters.

  • Prioritize adherence to existing regulations rather than relying on subjective judgments.


This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
Signage: Wayfinding
  • Develop signage to enhance connectivity between merchant districts and transportation.

  • Install merchant district maps on the main streets of each district.

  • Clearly define entry points and transitions between neighborhoods and districts.

  • Utilize modern technology to provide guidance for residents and visitors throughout the city.

  • Emphasize the importance of retaining customers within the city, rather than solely passing through.


brown wooden blocks on white surface
brown wooden blocks on white surface
We want to hear from our members:
  • Our focus is on supporting all small businesses in San Francisco.

  • Share your best practices for navigating daily operations.

  • We are committed to being available around the clock, 365 days a year, to provide our businesses with every opportunity for success.
