San Francisco Police Commission

"Addressing Crime and Enhancing Public Safety"

The San Francisco Police Commission is a civilian oversight body that plays a crucial role in overseeing the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD). It operates as an independent entity tasked with establishing policies, setting standards, and providing accountability for the police department.

The San Francisco Police Commission consists of seven members appointed by the mayor and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The commission operates under the authority of the San Francisco City Charter and has the power to set department policies, review and approve the department's budget, and oversee disciplinary matters. The commission's main responsibilities include:

Policy Development: The commission collaborates with the SFPD to establish policies and procedures that guide the department's operations. These policies address various aspects of policing, including use of force, community engagement, bias-free policing, and accountability measures.

Police Department Oversight: The commission oversees the SFPD's operations, ensuring that they align with established policies and procedures. It reviews reports, conducts audits, and holds the police department accountable for its actions.

Community Engagement: The commission seeks community input and feedback on policing matters. It conducts public meetings where community members can voice their concerns, share their experiences, and provide recommendations to improve police services.

Disciplinary Authority: The commission has the authority to review and adjudicate disciplinary matters involving police officers. It can impose disciplinary actions, including suspension or termination, based on investigations and recommendations from the police chief or the Office of Citizen Complaints.

Regarding how police officers operate, the San Francisco Police Commission sets policies that guide their actions and conduct. These policies serve as guidelines for officers' behavior, interactions with the public, use of force, and other operational aspects. The commission works to ensure that the police department operates in a manner that reflects community values, respects civil rights, and promotes public safety.

It is important to note that both policy and law play a role in governing how police officers operate. Policies set by the police commission are internal guidelines for the department, while laws, including local, state, and federal statutes, define the legal framework within which law enforcement agencies must operate. Police officers are expected to adhere to both department policies and the law when carrying out their duties.

What strategies can be implemented to decrease crime rates in San Francisco now?

In order to address the ongoing major crime crisis, it is crucial to collaborate with the Supervisors, District Attorney's office, and the Police Commission to revise current policies. Our proposed plan includes:

Amend the SFPD standing orders to close any loopholes that may contribute to extreme property crimes and acts causing bodily harm, including fatalities. Striking a balance between social justice and the preservation of health and safety is of utmost importance. Evaluating the magnitude of crime solely based on physical injuries is an inadequate approach.