Urgent Support Needed

Valencia Street Merchants

Please leave your comments of support below.

We are reaching out to you with a sincere request for your support as we navigate the challenges posed by the Valencia Quick Build Project in collaboration with SFMTA. Our appeal is directed not only to our esteemed Mayor but also to the respected members of the Board of Supervisors, urging them to carefully assess the impact of the "pilot project". This project has rapidly introduced an express lane down the center of Valencia street, which has led to concerning safety issues, negatively affecting both the well-being of individuals and the accessibility of businesses along this crucial corridor.


Dear fellow merchants and neighbors,

The consequences of this endeavor have become starkly apparent, causing undeniable harm to businesses on the Valencia corridor. We strongly advocate for an immediate halt in the current work to allow for a collective reevaluation alongside SFMTA engineers. Our objective is to convene a meeting that delves into the challenges at hand and seeks to find solutions that cater to all modes of transportation, ensuring that businesses retain unobstructed access. It is essential to recognize that these businesses' survival hinges on accommodating various modes of transportation. This issue extends beyond mere inconvenience; it involves safeguarding property rights that are being compromised by hindrances to comprehensive transportation access. Our stance centers on the belief that all modes of transportation deserve unimpeded access, taking into consideration the diverse needs of the community, including those reliant on ADA accommodations.

CALL FOR ACTION: We are compelled to address the underlying reasons for this situation. We fundamentally support the concept of reducing vehicle trips and promoting road safety for the betterment of all San Franciscans and visitors alike. In reviewing the process and the individuals guiding SFMTA, we have found concerning patterns in past meetings, agendas, and board sessions. There are clear conflicts of interest related to steering San Francisco streets away from motorized vehicles, focusing instead on walking, biking, and alternative-powered transportation. "We would like to review these violations and conflicts with City Officials so they can be corrected, and we can have a plan that works for the merchant district and neighborhood it supports."

Our conviction remains steadfast in advocating for a well-thought-out plan that prioritizes the reduction of harmful environmental impacts, steering clear of hazardous materials and their byproducts. We firmly believe that our city can unite without resorting to forced changes. Rather, we encourage education and motivation to drive transformation, particularly in merchant districts and neighborhoods across San Francisco.

Among the crucial aspects we endorse are in-depth traffic analysis, a robust plan accommodating multiple transportation modes, a parking strategy that sustains Valencia's businesses, designated loading and unloading zones, informative signage, integration of cutting-edge technology, community engagement, emergency access without hindrance, and an ongoing commitment to vigilance and adaptive strategies.

BY SIGNING THIS: In our collective endeavors, we strive to strike an optimal equilibrium between fostering urban mobility and upholding the vitality of local businesses. Your support holds immense significance in ensuring that this project resonates with the diverse needs of our community. Together, we can pave the way for a future that thrives on innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.

SFSBC Will not share your name or contact info. We would like to to share comments.

Comments from November 2023 - April 11th, 2024

I am a longtime Mission dweller (30+ years) who walks, bikes, uses public transit, and drives. The new central bike lane, no left turns, and no turns on red rules have made Valencia St infinitely more difficult to access and navigate. A sunny weekend after Thanksgiving should have been bustling, but was instead very quiet. I support the small business owners in encouraging the city to rethink the central bike lane.The bike lanes on Potrero have eliminated parking in front of our warehouses,making it extremely difficult for us to load merchandise to distribute to our to retail businesses.

I support this petition!

This new bike line and parking spaces removed are a big a disappointment, too many yellow and white spaces. Please put it back the way it was.

I attended a PAR Meeting in the Richmond Recreation Center in January 2023 where SFMTA Director Tumlin spoke. He stated that the Eastern Side of the City does NOT want car traffic from the Western Side of the City.

Speaking as a pedestrian and driver, I have to say these center bike lanes on Valencia street, combined with the near-100% loading zone only parking in front of businesses, are an utter mess. I've never felt it was safe to ride a bicycle in San Francisco, and I definitely wouldn't want to ride one on this stretch of Valencia. I live close enough to walk to the near end, but when I'm driving I avoid shopping or dining in that part of town because it's just too difficult to find a spot.

"Valencia bike lane put business and deliveries at risk!

Damm idea period!"

SFMTA must be changed! They just ruined Geary Blvd in Richmond, removing tons of parking & left turns for an express bus lane. A bus lane to downtown where no one works anymore but we have to get there faster and eliminate neighborhood shopping accessibility.

Unsafe for both bikers and pedestrians, visual pollution (Valencia st looks awful), traffic is way worse then it use to be… bad urban planning!!

This center bike lane configuration is doing immediate, severe damage to business as well as the feel of the corridor itself. It must revert to a traditional model. I bike it frequently and I do not feel safe making turns out of the center lane.

Cut up one of the last pleasant places to be in the mission

Is extremely difficult to visit any of the business in the area. What used to be an enjoyable visit with many business, is a nightmare. Stay away now because of it.

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I support this petition!

Put valencia bike line back the way it was before. Crazy design. More traffic bring back the parking spaces, please.

the center bike lane is an ill thought out disaster! Please do not allow our vibrant merchant corridor to be so negatively impacted by an experiment!

I really hope they consider changing this bike lane. I live on Valenica, and it has become extremely tedious to find parking around the neighborhood.

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I support this petition!

the complete disregard for our differently abled neighbors, parents with small children, and especially the merchants on the longest independent shopping corridor in the country, is shocking to say the least. we can do better SF, we must!!

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I support this petition!

San Francisco has lost control of its streets. The unelected MTA is operating without any oversight from legitimate authority, and they are incompetent. This is not happening just in San Francisco but all over the country.

Bike lane is awful

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This new bike lane is absolutely terrible and needs to be removed as soon as possible. All traffic grinds to a halt whenever a delivery driver stops to pick up a meal, it confuses bicyclists, and local shops hate it. Go back to the old system and just enforce it better!

"As a longtime resident of the Mission-Valencia corridor (over 15 years!), I’m appalled by the callousness of city officials to not look out for the core residents of the area vs. special interest groups. We have been saddened to see the decline of Valencia street, with the disruption of the middle bike lane, and its cascading effect on safety (with confused drivers unable to make left turns), traffic (with cars backed up along the one lane thoroughfare) and general neighborhood ambiance (visual blight; inability to have a proper pedestrian walkway when the streets are closed for special events; and declining and closing businesses).

It saddens me that the needs of the few (I have been lucky to see 2 bicyclists in the middle lane, if at all - just today I saw just one lone man jogging!) have so heavily outweighed the needs of everyone else. Shame on you, San Francisco leadership, who not only let this happen, but have poured millions into doing it!"

This center bike lane is extremely unsafe entering and exiting, and is really not working for the community.

I used to commute twice daily by car along Valencia from 25th to 14th to take my kids to and from school. In those 11 blocks there are now 3 different traffic bike/car traffic patterns, with 2 bike/car cross-overs. This is dangerous and slowed our commute. The increased hassle of driving and reduced ability to park on Valencia in the area of the central bike lane has directly caused us to change our commute route away from Valencia Street and avoid the Mission District. No more stopping for boba or juice, picking up take out for dinner or planning our weekend outings on Valencia. I miss it and would love to see a more welcoming and safe Valencia Street for everyone.

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I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I do not believe the large bike lane will help Valencia businesses since it prevents parking and makes driving down the street challenging.

The bike lane is killing a community shame on you for not seeing the impact

I am a small business owner in San Francisco and strongly support this petition.

I live on 21st and this has severely impacted my ability to get home at night, especially given that 21 is a forced right turn on guerrero and you cannot turn left onto 21st from guerrero; in addition, we are sandwiched between mission, valencia, capp street - it's an absolute nightmare, especially on the weekends. I cannot leave!

There is no way to stop and allow traffic to continue.

Save Valencia! If the restaurants say this is an issue for them, it is!

For traffic in area is way down and parking is much more difficult.. I live in the neighborhood on 22nd and South Van Ness and can see the difference

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Apart from the impact to the business, there are serious safety concerns for the residents due to the restriction of first responders. Moreover, residence also require access for delivery of goods and services. Pointedly, disabled citizens needs have not been considered as the only view being considered is the able bodied cyclists. Perhaps making Capp Street a bicycle only Street would be a more suitable alternative that would help reduce the prostitution issue.

Stop this insanity. This is killing small business owners. I am 74 and handicapped and cannot find parking to visit some of my favorite stores and restaurants.

"Yo vivo en la valencia y es un caos, el estacionarte , los de las bicicletas no respetan Los Altos que tienen que hacer .

Yo estoy en desacuerdo con la línea de las bicis"

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This experiment in traffic control was well intentioned (I guess) but it did not work. It is a now a nightmare to drive on Valencia and parking for delivery vehicles is non existent creating terrible traffic flow. The city policies need to be more business friendly. Please return it back to the way it was. Thank you

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I support this petition!

I live @ 17th/valencia and avoid riding my bicycle since the center lane was completed. It’s unsafe traffic rules and with many scooter riders now using it as a speed lane, it’s even more dangerous at intersections. The new lane restricts business deliveries and creates more dangerous situations. The middle lane was poorly thought out and needs to be removed.

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I support this petition!

I support this petition!

Please hear the community our vote is what should matter. This is ruining it

I live right Valencia i have been here my whole life. This new pilot bike lane is ruining traffic and it is hurting the business. I now avoid Valencia street and I rarely see bikes using the lane it’s horrible for parking and commute and it is not supported by the community please hear us

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I support this petition!

I live in Valencia and can unequivocally say that the bike lanes have had a negative impact to the neighborhood. Drivers routinely ignore the posted signs, and perform dangerous uturns on side streets to circumvent the restrictions in place. Gangs of motorbikers use the center lane as their private state for dangerous stunts. Traffic becomes snarled because of the ineffective timing of lights. It’s absolutely a deterrent to visitors from other parts of the city.

Businesses are the heart of Valencia, and they are getting crushed by this bike lane. On weekends, it only serves as a dirt bike derby, which is unsafe and creates noise pollution. Please let Valencia thrive, it is one of the most special streets in the city!

I love Valencia Street and used to shop and eat there a lot. But the experimental bike lane makes driving and parking so difficult, I only go there when I absolutely have to. Today, my lane was completely stopped for a long time because a FedEx truck stopped in the one lane road and nobody could get by because of the bike lane barrier. Cars were pulling u turns THROUGH THE BIKE LANE BECAUSE THEY WERE TRAPPED!!! Crazy! Eliminate the bike lane and barriers, and support local merchants and customers. It’s a failed experiment. Bikes can ride along the roadside as usual.

"We bring our standard poodle to Mission Vet Hospital on Valencia weekly for chemotherapy. There are only two pay parking spots on the entire block for a car, and they are for only 30 min and always full. There are spots for large delivery trucks which may be open and unused, but just stopping there to drop my dog off if we park for five minutes costs us a $125 ticket!

We can never stop for lunch or coffee or shop the stores because the parking is so severely limited with the center bike lane. And no parking!!

We feel bad for the local merchants who we’d like to spend money at, but can’t! Get rid of the experimental bike lane now! No need for a year long-gone wrong test! And support the shops and customers on Valencia! This is a complete disaster! Stop it now!!!"

"You're clueless liars obsessed with cars. Your tax receipts will tell a different story, increasing with increased foot and bike traffic. You're as dishonest and gutless as those those opposed smoking bans. Smoking bans increased business revenues, and so will bike lanes. (comments in red are for the project)

I fully support removing the bike lane from Valencia Street. It has taken away most of our parking and made living in this area of the mission much harder. Most people.cannot bike everywhere and need cars and parking and people visiting the mission also need parking. This plan was completely ill advised from the start. No one wants it. Please remove it ASAP.

You address nothing. You’re plain and unfortunately pedestrian.

Also, by removing the metered parking for regular vehicles, you make it impossible for folks who live in other parts of the city & area to patronize the businesses all along Valencia.

fuck the bike lane on valencia

The premise of your argument is very weak, confusing and concerning. I am a local shopper and feel that the bike lane makes it less likely that I am going to hit a bicyclist; and when I am on my bike it makes me feel safer. The bike lane has not changed my shopping habits, but this initiative makes me reconsider if I want to do business with merchants that make such foolish comments and use such a weak argument to discredit change! Oddly enough, your complaint has little basis and doesn't make sense to the locals that I have asked for feedback. They said, I think they are upset about safety for cyclist". Effective campaign..."

The restructuring of the bike lane has been a failure and the best thing the city can do is to remove it and adjust the bike lane to the outside of the street and adjust the parking back with trucks being allowed to park in the center lane. Basically go back to how it was! Support our community!

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Local businesses and residents are suffering because of poor city design. Most of the cyclists do not live nor frequent the businesses on Valencia. They use it as a transit street to get somewhere else. More consideration was given to special interests than the actual businesses and residents who make up the neighborhood. I have lived on Valencia for 20 years and have never seen anything as poorly conceived. Move the center bike lane to another less busy street such as Mission to keep everyone safe.

I do not support the new bike lane on Valencia. I’ve seen emergency vehicles have to use the bike lane when there is no room for cars to pull over and let emergency vehicles go by. Horrible design. This is typical SF waste.

I support this petition!

delete the middle bike lane for everyone!

The Valencia corridor is slowly dying, and frankly there are not that many bicycles riding the bike lane. This is crazy and needs to be rethought.

I can’t stand the bike lane. It has made it impossible to drive around the mission and pick up my kids from school. Please remove.

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I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

Really inconvenient living on 16th and Valencia

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I support this petition!

My wife and I are investors in a Valencia St. restaurant that is being severely impacted by the bike lane. We will put resources toward SF political candidates who pledge to fix the situation.

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Please get rid of that bike lane ASAP.

This needs to stop

The pilot program doesn’t work. You can’t have a different set of rules from every other street in the city.

The bike lane is a real problem.


As a long time, San Francisco resident, I am shocked how much power the bike coalition has over decisions the city makes. As someone who goes to the veterinarian and likes to shop on Valencia as well as dine out I have virtually stopped coming here because it’s so difficult to park my car I cannot ride my bike with my dog, I cannot go out to dinner with four or five friends on a bicycle, and I think the city has overreacted once again to the demands of a very vocal minority. I think the city needs a more balanced approach to accommodate bike people as well as people who aren’t able to bike or choose not to bike

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I support this petition!

As a city struggling to return to pre pandemic activity, a ridiculous bike lane down the middle of one of the best streets in the city has been awful to witness. Not only did the city not gather public input for such monstrosity, the lane is underutilized because it is unsafe. A proper bike lane should run next to the pedestrian walkway with parking next to it and traffic in the middle just as Valencia St does near 14th Street. This middle lane is simply lazy and a poor excuse for what seems to call itself a “world class city”. REMOVE IT.

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I support this petition!

This change has disrupted the pedestrian experience along a corridor that I walk along daily. It has also hindered the ability to close down the streets to only non-vehicle traffic was a corridor improving action that could have been leaned into rather than inhibited.

Help small business thrive. Bike lane in middle disrupts traffic and cause more accident

"please consider removing this lane. it’s crushing our once-thriving street.

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I support this petition!

You know what you doing you bloody

I support this petition!

Please get rid of the bike lane it’s congesting traffic and taking business away from the neighborhood

I do not support this petition. The annoying NIMBYs who want to reverse or petition every little change have made it easier to boycott by having these signs out the front though

I am a local resident and the bike lane is creating more traffic and slowing down business for our local stores here in Valencia. Please reconsider the bike lane that isn’t supporting the businesses.

I live on Valencia Street and it is killing the businesses on the street. In addition, I am a mother and I have seen many dangerous things happen on this bike lane including cars going down and people getting hit. Please take it away. We do not want it.

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I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

This bike lane has made traffic much worse which makes the streets more congested and creates a dangerous environment.

I support this petition!

The bike lane on Valencia needs to move to mission or anywhere else

At first, I loved the new center lane. I even defended it in a few friendly arguments. Then yesterday I was nearly hit. As I was waiting to make a left turn in that little side part on the right, everything was clear and when I took that left I completely forgot you also have to check behind you. I biked passed me fast, and I was nearly struck. In that instance, I realized the design is flawed. I’ve come 180 degrees on this. Remove it asap.

Ban cars on Valencia please.

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

get rid of the bike lane!

I’ve lived a block off valencia for 18 years and I’ve never felt this unsafe walking in my neighborhood. The bike lane has caused chaos, stress, and aggravation. Drivers are driving worse than before and as a pedestrian with a small child in tow, I feel always on guard. Please rethink this plan!

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The reduction in foot traffic is so obvious to all who live or visit the area. If this were a one-year medical study, and the patients involved had dangerously drastic reductions in their blood pressure 3 months in, the study would be immediately stopped, as there would be no need to continue. Common sense matters.

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

I support this petition!

"Below, you will find unedited comments from supporters advocating for the removal of the quick build project on Valencia Street."

"The new bike lanes make it impossible to receive timely deliveries and my customers have no place to park because UBER/DOOR Dash is Clogging the spaces all day." 08-10-2023

"I agree with this petition. I do support public transit and use it regularly. However, I am also reliant on a car for certain errands, such as laundry and grocery shopping, and visiting certain SF neighborhoods. Public transit is not vast enough in SF to get to all areas of the city in a reasonable amount of time. In addition, I recognize that not all can walk or ride bikes."


"Please stop taking the citizens parking. There are patrons that cannot walk blocks or take public transit. Seniors, disabled, moms and all those trying to make it in this city." 08-10-2023

"I used to ride to work via Valencia. I no longer commute that way as the lane no longer feels safe with the new changes. Riders would prefer SFMTA put their efforts into enforcement of existing laws. Valencia street is jam packed with double parked delivery drivers, ride shares and doordashers. "


"Please remove this invasive pilot program. As I understand the need for a green initiative, this solution has negatively impacted business and the citizens of this city." 08-09-2023

"Speed ahead and support small businesses parking for customers." 08-09-2023

"At the rate things are being changed business will disappear property values decreased and crime continue to increase. You heave no respect for history or architecture. People will leave as we are experiencing. Camping anywhere will increase. So much good could have been without your creation. More tax increases wouldn’t be needed to cover your mistakes."


"Small businesses provide jobs and livelihood for the SF residents and deserve to be heard and supported. Local businesses are the life blood of local economies." 08-10-2023

"We have been a business in the Mission for over 18 years we would like to be able to have our customers park to visit our business." 08-11-2023

"Just moved in at xxxx Valencia street. That bike lane makes it extremely difficult to load and unload food supplies for my restaurant. Plus it’s very difficult for our delivery drivers like Sysco to offload our supplies." 08-11-2023

"The removed parking has severely deterred people from coming to our stores at anytime of the week. Our weekends have slowed down tremendously citing that parking was the main issue. The neighborhood was great the way it was allowing businesses to flourish—customers now are saying it takes them 1hr+ to find parking if they don’t give up and turn back home. Unfortunately, there has also been metered parking taken out and replaced with loading and no park zones that have made it worse for not only customers, but people who live in the area. Don’t ruin the most lively areas by making it difficult to access." 08-12-2023

"From the outset of this idea, it has been obvious that the Valencia bikeway was I’ll-conceived, risky and unpopular. Since it has been installed these fears have become reality business is down and crossing the street, parking and driving has become a nightmare. Bikers should have protected access along the sidewalks. Not in the middle of the street. What will it take to turn Valencia back into the world class artery it should be. A death?" 08-12-2023