Recovery Plan

DRAFT PLAN - currently working on the policy to add or amend and present to City Hall.

1. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with stakeholders like local business owners, workers, local residents, and tourists to understand their needs and challenges.

2. Partnership with Government: Partner with City Hall to ensure the concerns of local businesses are considered in policy decisions. Seek potential grants or subsidies that may be available to aid recovery.

3. Revitalize Tourism: Develop marketing strategies to attract tourists back to the city. Highlight safety measures, promote landmarks, and endorse cultural events. Collaborate with travel agencies and influencers to increase reach.

4. Promote Local Businesses: Launch campaigns encouraging residents to support local businesses. Highlight the economic and community benefits of shopping locally.

5. Support for Entertainment Industry: Advocate for venues and organize events to attract customers. Work with local artists, musicians, and entertainers to host performances that will draw people back to venues.

6. Rebuild Confidence in Safety: Implement and showcase strict hygiene standards to regain consumer confidence in public spaces. Offer clear communication about safety measures in place.

7. Leverage Technology: Utilize online platforms for sales, bookings, and marketing. Digital technologies can also be used for virtual tours, events, and experiences to extend reach beyond physical limitations.

8. Infrastructure Development: Collaborate with the city for better infrastructure and transportation. An easy commute encourages locals and tourists to explore more areas.

9. Training and Education: Provide training for business owners and employees about new health and safety protocols, digital technologies, and customer service in the post-pandemic world.

10. Evaluation and Adaptation: Regularly evaluate the impact of these measures and adapt strategies as necessary, staying responsive to changes in public sentiment and health guidelines.